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Tips on Being a Successful CPM Student

Successful Cougar Students…

  1. they are RESPECTFUL
  2. they are RESPONSIBLE
  3. they are SAFE
  • Come to school every day, on time and prepared to learn!
  • Bring their Chromebook charged and ready to go!
  • Keep track of your assingnments through a planner or use Google calendar to keep track of your assignments on your Chromebook.
  • Ask for help when they need it!  Remember, all of the staff members at College Place are here to help you reach your potential.  Don’t be afraid to talk to your teachers and/or counselor!
  • Turn in homework every day!
  • Attend Cougar Learning Lab (study club) after school in the library or with a teacher when you need help with assignments or tests. (Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-4:00pm) *bus transportation provided for regular bus riders*
  • Check Canvas daily for to do lists, missing assignments and grades!

Snohomish County Library-Homework Help 

Do you need help with homework and need someone to help you right now?  The Snohomish County Library has online tutoring for homework help and online resources for every subject. Use the "HelpNow" program to chat with a live tutor to help you with your homework or any other assignments you have.  They can answer questions for you on things you might not be clear on.  Tutors are available from 1-10pm, seven days a week.  
Also, use the "Writing Lab" feature to get help with essays, reports or writing assignments.  Submit your document to their website and someone will respond to you in 24 hours.  
Finally, if you are having trouble in math, this site offers links for help on the internet.
*Students must have a Snohomish County library card to access this help.  Please sign up for a free card at your local library.